Both an individual or a company can at any time be faced with a tax audit. Whether it is a regular or an emergency business audit or an audit of a natural person (ex. KEFOMEP), we undertake the tax audit support process.
We work with specialized and experienced legal advisors in tax law to deal with complex issues of a tax nature or corporate operation.
Tax Audit of Individuals
The tax audit of individuals usually concerns the justification of sums of money in a personal or public bank account. The taxpayer should justify the money and provide evidence of their origin, when not covered by the declared income.
In the case of which an individual participates in any form of legal entity, it is required to keep records of the number and type of transactions with it, capital increases or decreases as well as any fees or dividends received.
Our experienced team of accountants, in collaboration with specialized legal advisors, offer personalized services in the event of a tax audit of a natural person. We also undertake the procedure of appeal to the administrative courts.
Tax Audit of Legal Entities
The audit of companies is usually based on data collected from the statements of the companies, the cross- checking of data from complaints, temporary inspections by the AADE, etc.
The harmonization of each business with the tax legislation ensures its success in a possible tax audit. Capital Value’s team with the frequent audits ensure that your business is kept up to date with the current tax regime.
Tax Audit Services
Specifically, we provide tax audit services for natural and legal persons:
- Settlement of pending tax matters.
- Provision of Tax Technical Services during the tax audit.
- Special issues of taxation of natural persons.
- Providing legal support.
- Drafting and Submission of an appeal for dispute resolution.
- Tax audit for deposits.
- Provision of services for drafting and submitting appeals before the Dispute Resolution Director (DRD).
- Preventive tax audit.